./ ../ 

the idea that settlement preceded agriculture
the nomad making a cult of a place
gives a different accent to the raider

the question is why canaan? why there?
a god in search of a place
the particularity of a place:
the arbitrariness of the particularity
supplemented with a hysteric discourse
of love/possession (the commandments, the song of songs)

presented as a positive:
the universality of god
that is everywhere
but this is a cover for
that no place can be the site of eternity
there can be a no abiding temple

page a is 40 lines long
1:36 seconds to read

page b is 36 lines long
1:30 seconds to read

(1:30) * 4/36 = 0:10

So it takes me somewhere between
6 and 10 seconds to read four lines
3 and  5 seconds to read two lines
1.5 and 2.5 seconds to read one

I always read
	a line at a time
Can I take in more than one line at a time
like I take in more than one word at a time?

Imagine the mind 
parsing a string of text
if a word at a time
the idea of a sentence
at once unfolding and held in suspense
( those unexpected grammatical turns discussed by Pinker )
but >1 words at a time
take in the noun group
the verb/adverb phrase

and, indeed, I think one of the chief impediments to my reading speed
is when I reach the beginning of the next line
and my overcarefully open approach to parsing
makes me doubt I made it to the right line

Imagine a reader ( a machine? )
that at the beginning of each line
notes the first syllable of that line 
so that when it reaches the end of the line
it can use that syllable to check success of goToNextLine()

I imagine speedreading as a geometry of these para-syntactic signposts
going down the page instead of across
filling in the blanks

a clock is 12 equidistant points
on a circle in a (cartesian|complex) plane
for a set of n points on the circumference
averge time is point on circumference
closest to average of coordinates of points

    x         y
n    i    n    i
Σ ───── , Σ ───── 
    n         n

two extensions: 
* averages along a numberline, a circle whose center is (0, ±∞)
* a "unit circle" in 1-dimensional space
* a half-unit circle in 1-dimensional space whose center is (½, 0)

clock_average = line_average

clock_average ≠ line_average

for simplicity's sake
o(0|12) = (1, 0)
o(3) = (0, 1)
    ∠ o(h) = h * π/6

or, more generally, for a clock of n hours
    ∠ o(h) = h * 2π/n

  to avoid blemish of "undefined"
  define output of clockAverage(...) as

     those points on circle closer than all others to average coordinate

  thus always returns a set of ≤ one member
  either of a point which maps onto a modular number system
  or ∅

∀V ∃W | ∀x ∈ V, {x} ∈ W

	( ∅ ∈ V → {∅} ∈ W )
	∧ ( |W\(∅)| = |V| )

	    → |W| = |V| + 1

Given an initial set ∅
V = ∅			W = {{∅}}
V = {{∅}}		W = {{∅}, {{∅}}}
V = {{∅}, {{∅}}}	W = {{∅}, {{∅}}, {{{∅}}}}
N.B. The set {∅} does not appear in this sequence.

remind me, why does {} ≠ {{}}?
or does it?

∃{ a } | a  = ∅, a  =  ∪  {x}, k ∈ Z
    n     0       k   x∈a

Could have done without "k ∈ Z"
Emphasizes the logical sleight:

Series a  maps onto Z  via

	| a | = p

but relies on Z itself for construction

	an alternative construction
	based on definitions of V and W
	reeks of manoeuvre

∀∅ ∃A | ∀( V ∈ A ) ∀( W ∈ V ), {W} ∈ V

	|A| = |Z |

I'm not trying to do anything special here.


Navigare est necesse, vivere necesse non est
-- Plutarch

   | via Antonius Tudertinus' translation of 
   |    πλεῖν ἀνάγκη, ζῆν οὐκ ἀνάγκη
   | Attributed by Plutarch to Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus.
   | Freud (Reflections on War and Death, 1918) gives
   |    Navigare necesse est, vivere non necesse
   | citing it as the motto of the Hanseatic League.
   | The essay is also the source of the apothegm
   |    Im Unbewußten sei jeder von uns
   |    von seiner Unsterblichkeit überzeugt.

La luz que emiten es insuficiente, incesante.
-- Borges, La Biblioteca de Babel

aquel duelo en el alba
-- Borges, "Descartes"

   │ CHOMSKY, SYNTACTIC STRUCTURES                                 │
   │ 5    Obscure and intuition-bound notions can neither lead to  │
   │      absurd conclusions nor provide new and correct ones, and │
   │      hence they fail to be useful in two important respects.  │

2018-06-30 15:13:02

Precision of timestamps isn't that important.
It's the  average  work over time that matters.

force * velocity ≡ average work over time

force * acceleration ≡ ( instantaneous lability | mood )
	= inertia * acceleration²

`.!awk 'BEGIN {FS = " = "; OFS = " ≡ "} {print $2, $1}'`
Was typing/thinking that quicker than manual inversion and
`0d3w$a p0wd3w0Plr=3`
`0d3w$a ^[p0wd3w0Plr^K=3`

What is the value of an expression that maps an idea
over a mechanical algorithm of arbitrary and greater efficiency?

S  = { a , a , a , ... }
        0   1   2

      ┌      ┌       i ┐j ┐k
  ∪   │  ∪   │   ∪  Z  │  │
 k∈Z  └ j∈Z  └  i∈Z  0 ┘  ┘    ...
    0      0       0     
The powerset of

      ∪    R 
    i ∈ Z
a SYSTEM OF DOODLES (SYSTEM for short) is defined as follows:

a point is an output.
a smooth line is input.
a curve tangent a fold passes output to input.

a point without a line is a CONSTANT

a straight line segment is treated like a CONSTANT
    that is, any input along the line
    does not affect the output

a point is a special case of a straight line
because the endpoints lie even with themselves
(lying even:
the subset in common among the tangents at any point along the line
is always equal to all the points on the line)

a point is not a special case of a curved line

a black circle at the end of a straight line
may be used to emphasize that it is a point.

LABELS may be applied to CONSTANTS

(LABELS are themselves SYSTEMS that follow these rules)

an open circle enclosing a SYSTEM
is understood to be such a labelled system

a point unlabelled is a circle enclosing circles without end
there is nothing special about this
just as 0 = 0.00000.....

constant CONSTANTS are points that are their own LABELS

do I keep smoking a cigarette and forgetting 
or do I keep forgetting to smoke a cigarette

continuity is to recursion as .... is to ....

a continuous line may intersect itself (LOOP)

continuity is to .... as recursion is to ....

continuity is to .... as .... is to recursion

all other inversions are rhetorical

an entity whose being is not limited by existence
a being whose essence is not limited by existence

"Maybe God creates himself.  Maybe today he doesn't exist."

recursion is a point that labels (points to) itself from outside itself.

a point whose interior is a SYSTEM of folding lines is a CIRCUIT BOARD

a point requires a surface sufficient only for its parameters
the circumference is less than infinitesimal
for any circumference > 0 provides infinitely too much surface
discrete points of contact
'x' is a synonym for '.'

lines are undirected
    these are not vectors

exercise: what features of letters of the roman alphabet
are unaccounted for?

<div style="color:yellow">apple</div>

Cicero's  Orations




$ cat notes

sweet spot
blit shallows
at a terminal

forgot to give you rails for the HD bays
I think I only have the one pair

$ chef < 2018-06-04 | fmt -w 72 |   - 

Vhet vuoold yuoo sey is zee meeneemoom fur a pruper emeteoor
chemeestry set (is thet joost zee edoolt unelug ooff cheeldren's
chemeestry sets?): a set ooff beekers, pooders, und peepes, nut
mekeeng unytheeng, joost fur getteeng reecqooeeented veet zee
chunges und pruperteees ooff metter?


add finely crushed bulb of a single clove per roll.

Stale seaweed wafers.  Later, fresh asphalt.


Train delayed because of backup at Belmont, then the F was making all
local stops, so I went to the MoMA instead for a little bit and walked
around after.

Coffee from Horton's by the Air Bar at Jamaica: perfect temperature.

colombia ll
lluvia llanto
voiced postalveolar affricate

argentinian, dental

volverán las oscuras golondrinas 
me gustas cuando callas
sucede que me canso de ser hombre

ls will switch from columnated to list form when output is redirected
how to implement a similar switch in a shell script e.g. through less is
not redirected, a text stream if redirected?
    Each substance of a grief hath twenty shadows,
    Which shows like grief itself, but is not so;
    For sorrow’s eye, glazed with blinding tears,
    Divides one thing entire to many objects;
    Like perspectives, which rightly gazed upon
    Show nothing but confusion, eyed awry
    Distinguish form: so your sweet majesty,
    Looking awry upon your lord’s departure,
    Find shapes of grief, more than himself, to wail;
    Which, look’d on as it is, is nought but shadows
    Of what it is not.

athens and the U.S.: does a flourishing democracy require slavery and
imperialism?  or: what are the  democratic  characteristics of a
society that flourishes from slavery and imperialism?

te voy a extrañar
te extrañaré

on a type writer:

voy a ar

> Hypothesis: decline of future tense
> owes to inconvenience on the typewriter
> though less keystrokes,
> the backspace feels like breaking flow
> perceived pause
> while machine does its work

> cf. decline of vous in french
> attributed to text character limits

> Letters from my grandmother
> with tildes and accents written in in pen

2018-06-25 20:50:03 -10pp
syntactic structures

== Notes on Discrete Mathematics (Yale) ==
2018-06-25 21:54:06 - ?

xor corresponds to addition modulo 2 §8.3

p ⊕ ( p ⊕ q ) == q

Wason Selection Task

∧ atque
∨ vel


Some argue ∧ and ∨ should have same precedence
Morgan's law

implication ... convention ... binds to the right
A →  B → C == A → ( B → C )
  16 Except for Haskell programmers and type theorists, few people
     ever remember this ...

De Morgan's Laws
¬(p ∨ q) ≡ ¬p ∧ ¬q
¬(p ∧ q) ≡ ¬p ∨ ¬q

distributive laws:
p ∨ (q ∧ r) ≡ (p ∨ q) ∧ (p ∨ r)
p ∧ (q ∨ r) ≡ (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r)

p → q ≡ ¬p ∨ q

p → q ≡ ¬q → ¬p
p ↔ q ≡ (p → q) ∧ (q → p)
p ↔ q ≡ ¬p ↔ ¬q

21 The converse of p → q is q → p

law of excluded middle
p ∨ ¬p ≡ 1

law of non-contradiction
p ∧ ¬p ≡ 0

21      The law of excluded middle is what allows us to do *case
        analysis*, where we prove that some proposition Q holds by
        showing first that P implies Q and then that ¬P implies Q.

2018-06-27 00:51:39

¬∀x:P(x) ≡ ∃x:¬P(x)
¬∃x:P(x) ≡ ∀x:¬P(x)
28 "These are essentially the quantifier versions of De Morgan's Laws"

∀x: x > 0 → x - 1 ≥ 0
∀x > 0: x - 1 ≥ 0
∃x : x > 0 ∧ x² = 81
∃x > 0: x² = 81

  28 "Note that constraints on â get expressed using AND rather than

⊥	-T	22A5	8869	UP TACK
¬	NO	0xac	172	NOT SIGN
≡	=3	2261	8801	IDENTICAL TO

BACK: normal (con|dis)junctive form

attention span
asking myself
what I'm going to get out of it
with an idea of what I'll get out of it
but realizing advantages are far off

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$ _